Interior view of an Audi vehicle showing the steering wheel and digital dashboard displays.

MMI Settings Reset

Important news for your Audi MMI settings

If your personal settings – such as radio stations, navigation destinations, key user for Audi Connect functions – are resetting when you restart your Audi, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

You can resolve the issue by resetting your vehicle’s MMI system.

To do this, visit your MMI home screen and select: Settings > Systems Maintenance > Restore Factory Settings. Follow the on-screen instructions and your system will restart. This may take a few minutes.
Please only take the above action if you are experiencing the issue described, as it will reset all navigation settings, connected mobile phones, WiFi devices, Audi Connect key user, etc. The ‘set-up wizard’ will also re-start to help re-enable functionality as easily as possible.

If you are still affected after completing the reset, please contact your preferred Audi Centre