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Select a model for further details and estimated availability timescales. We recommend you confirm with your Audi Centre that your model of interest is available to view before you visit, as it may still be in transit.

Please check model availability and full specification details with your Audi Centre prior to ordering. Neither Audi nor Audi Partners can accept contractual responsibility for your reliance on the information contained in the Audi New Car Stock Locator.

Performance figures and specifications relating to Audi vehicles are indicative only and performance cannot be guaranteed. Performance figures and specifications may be updated on this site from time to time, when new test results are available. Your local Audi Centre can always provide you with the most up to date information available.

Written and visual depictions (including photographs) of vehicles, are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon. Some illustrations may not accurately reflect UK specifications (including paint and trim colours) and may not be available. If in doubt always contact your local Audi Centre.

When you purchase a vehicle or any vehicle maintenance services from an Audi Centre, your contract is always with the Centre and not with Audi UK. Any concerns you have in relation to the purchase of a vehicles should always be directed to your Audi Centre.